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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 16

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 16

Rochester, New York
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Both 'Phone HENRY LIKLY CO. Stone 1702 Main 197 SALE OF 200,000 SEALS REPORTED FOR HRST WEEK Committee Makes Flying Start for 1,500,000. INSURANCE HEN COME NEXT Buy Your Gifts Early Our advice is sincere. You will be the gainer by following it. Fresh stocks, complete assortments, more time to devote to the individual purchaser.

A Few Suggestions of Practical Gifts Sewing Baskets $6.00 to $25.00 Towel Cases 2.50 to 12.00 Dressing Cases 3.50 to 25.C0 Collar Bags 1.00 to 7.50 Umbrellas 1.00 to 20.00 Manicure Sets 1.50 to 20.00 Leather Picture Frames and Cases 1.00 to 12.00 Desk Clocks, leather cases 6.50 to 20.00 Portfolios and Writing Pads 1.50 to 20.00 Wardrobe Trunks $20.00 to $125.00 Music Rolls 1.50 to 8.00 Ladies' Hand and Purses 1.00 to 25.00 Leather Traveling Hags 5.00 to 35.00 Fitted Traveling 20.00 to 75.00 Leather Suit Cases 5.00 to 45.00 Fitted Suit Cases 20.00 to 125.00 Men's Leather Hat Boxes 8.00 to 20.00 Lunch Cases and Thermos Cases 8.00 to 25.00 Leather Goods have advanced greatly during the past six months but we were fortunate in making our purchases early in the year, therefore, we shall be able to maintain our prices at the usual low figures throughout the holiday season, at least. On Our Dollar Table MIk Toilet Roll Collar Hhri Clothe Hunjri'rs and (' Cloth Hnishes, with leather dark. TTalloU Jrwel Canf Haying Cards In lrathcr rases Prinking Caps 'Likly" Wardrobe Trunka Tare ply basawnod veneer enljr used for bodies. Coverings the heaviest filler, army duck and fab-rlkold no fun procure. We enjoy the dtatlnrttnn of helm only trunk manufacturers making their own hardware.

Ourii la stamped from heavy fold-rollen steel. Likly Hand Luggage is made from the very best materials and the workmanship is of the most thorough and expert character. An experience of 72 years, and our policy of standing back of our products, assure our customers entire satisfaction. THE LIKLY CATALOGUE, containing illustrations of our complete line ol luggage, will be mailed to any address on request. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 271 Main St.

East On Our Dollar Table 1 cnflirr Mulch Ilrneelfts Wrist Sirens If and Itngl Medicine Cases Memorandum Hooks Hill and Card Hooks Leather Kelts llrnnm In leather rases l'oekct knives In lent her eases liory Soap Boxes Ivor lollies llrushes Hill Folds I nilirellas Walking SI Irk i Likly Service Our motto: If we don't In vii what you mint, wo will mHk" tt for ymi. We urn fully equipped to take cure of special, a well a orillnnry needs. figure on your requirements. 271 Main St. E.

Shop early on room decorations for Christmas Wc are at your service with sparkling ideas, appropriate materials and a force of trained paperhanficrs and artists. DECORATIONS AND WALL PAPER Colby Ament Co. 17 Slat Sli.fl Stone 1085 Main 1085 a. J. I.

PliUC ID II I Rocbestcr liVkW bbingle Spirit "fldKac'e When you.iprcily Humphreys Shingle Nl.irt why not aure that you really get it? It in doubt, aek ua. We keep a record of every Humphreys 24 South Ave. Won't Try! No, we wnn't have a new Chandler to aril you for a week an wo won try. Hut have a number of lined I'liamtlera, nmt other ciiri. tor al at bargiiln price.

niilnk! Hint el'Sl added to the price of new ('handler) mut make the old rar mure vnlunie. jlui arc nut iikliii: nuire' New OfBclnl Ouet of Honor at Dinner at Rochester Club. ft 71 JACX KNABB. Jink Knabb, of No. 110 Uran4 avenue, aeaumiHl tbo duties' of secretary of the Itochester Ad Club yesterilay, aueccedlng Krneat II.

Itobfrta, who resigned. Mr. Knulib wua formerly connected with (Jua and Klectrlc Company, and later with the Canton Incandescent I.lKht Company, of Canton, Ohio. In Wi3, he Jollied tills aalea depurtnient of the Todd I'rotectograph Company, of Koroestar. The olflcliil of tho company gave hlra a farewell dinner on Sunday night at the Itochester Club.

Ho was presented with a fuuntulu peu. ACCUSED OF STEALING AUTOMOBILE IN OHIO Young Men Appear to Have Habit of Taking Cars. August Atiiiiu, 'Z yenra old, of No. L'lHJ South avenue, nnd Leo Volkmer, yeura, old, of No. 178 Masseth street, were nrresteil yenti rday meiiing by in-tectivea Milnenicy and Andrew on charges of being fugitive from justice.

Tliey urc wnnteil in Akron, Ohio, lor the alleged theft of mi nutiuiiobilu valued lit I'll per are being prepared to cxtruijile litem to lltio, Aiimn nnd Volkmer left Itochester on October -1st, driving on automobile belonging to I.ouis Amun. a brother of August A man. The brother complained to the police and wanted the men rr-roated nt once. They drove the car to West Virginia, where they are anid to have Fold it. Until men returned to this city hist Sunday, and Volkmer mustered up courage to go to police headquarters und inquire if warrant had been issued for their arrest.

The police called up I.ouis Amun, who decided tuut he did not want to prosecute either of the men. Young Amun went to his home yesterday. Chief Quigley received telegram yesterday nfternoou from Akron, Ohio, asking for the arrest of I.ce J. Adams and August William. The men had been employed by the' Goodrich Kubber Company nt Akron.

Their pedigree nnd ineiiHureimditH of them were taken before they were permitted to go to work In the factory, and tho measurement arc said to tally with the dcflcription of A man und Volkmer. The men told Captain Wlinlcy that they Ktole an automobile iu Akron nn drove it to point between lirent Valley aud Oil City, where they were overtaken by a snowstorm; that they ran out of gasoline, and the machine stalled, and that they requested farmer tn draw Ihc car into hi barn and keep It until they should return, but afterward decided to nbaudou it. INDUSTRIAL PREPAREDNESS To Be Discussed by Member of the Naval Consulting Board. A joint meeting of the Rochester Kti-gineeiini: Society, the Chemical Society and the Optical Society will be held in Catharine Strong Ilnll, University avenue und I'ritu'o streets, nt o'clock on Tuesday evening. Dr.

V. U. Whitney, director of the research laboratory of the General Klectrir Company, Si heiioctJiity, N. ill speak on "lte-seanli and National Needs." Ir. Whitney i a member of the Naval Consulting Hoard, and has been active in the project for the estublislnncnt of a naval research laboratory, which may have great influence on the future supremacy of the I'nitod States in naval matters, lie is well known throughout the country for his work on the Improved Tungsten lumps and the more recent Mimla street lighting unit developed in his laboratory, nud is said to be reciiirniji na one of the most able of the scientific men hi the country.

MAKING SHELLS FOR RUSSIA Symington Company Hni Big Contract Installs New Machinery. Tlio T. H. Symington Company, which has shipped shrapnel shells to the Hrltlsh government, distinguishing Itself for being one company of unly three to complete It sub contract with the Hethle-hem Steel Company on time, has begun to fill an enormous order from Hnssla. New machinery Is being Installed to handle the Itusiliin contract, hi sl clls for Itusslun gun ar different In size from those used by the Kngllsh artillery.

Since tin tummy began the manufacture of Its wurklug corps hat been tripled aud Its floor space more thau doubled. MotorlRt Thrown from Car. When Iteinliart Twardoktia, of No. Hclmont street, undertook to drh his car from behind an enstlumnd Mouroe avenue car into Ileltnont street late yesterday afternoon bis machine waa struck by a westbound street cur. Twardokns was thrown to the pavement and bruised.

His machine wns shoved over against the curbing snd damaged to some extent. Visit the Nippon Shop. Tottery, wall vases for flowers, 2.V to odd jnrs in Selja and Awaji, bowls for bulbs. Cliuton avenue south. Adv.

FEAHON-O'NEILL. Th Tuarrlaga gf Jl! Dills T. O'Neill to I'etpr T. Kearuri took oa W.dii.a-day afternoon at lb" Kacraoieni Catholic Cliurcb. Kv.

T. r. Couuora of- lli'lutd. Tba were Miaa Asima U'Kmtt and All NdMe alattr of the orlde, awl Jumet O'Unurk. The hrlile waa ntllrnl In while nt trluiued wltn lac ami nutln ribbon, ll.r tulla veil waa mailn In cau finl Inn and waa (alight with orange bloaioina.

Kh carried a ahoiter boiMjuet of roses and lllra of tli. raller. Mlaa Kief. or. peach color allk with an orerdreaa of line trimmed with gold, and carried i bouquet of Ktllaruej ronen.

SII' O'Neill wore yel low crept de i'hlne trimmed with abadov laca and curried a bouquet of rom-a. After the ceremony, a reception waa held at No. l.D Ackermun atreet. Kovera were laid for one hundred perona. l'ronnptlal affalra litcludwtl a variety ihower given by friend of the bride; a linen ahower by Mlas Nellie O'Neill, alatcr tho bride; a 1 1, enter party and aupper by Mlaa Aifnea O'Kevfe, and a dinner by Jumea J.

O'Kourke. Mr. sud Mra. Keuron left for a Southern trip. They will be ut home uftcr January lt at No.

VXi Ackerman atreet. CARBOlTNEAU-TiniGEON. At HH. I'eter and raul'a Catholic Church, on Wedneaday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Mlaa Anna Tiirgeon became, the wife of John 11. Carbonncau.

The ceremony wan performed by Key. Kmll Oefell. The attendantH wero Mian 1. 1 II I li Carhonnean, alater of the groom, nud Leon II. SVndsworth.

Th bride worn pearl gray rrepo de Chlno and silver luce, with a hnt to match, and carried a hnuciuet of rime. The hrldramnld also wore gray crepe de Chine and carried pink rono. A wedding aupper wan arrved nt tho homo of Mra. William Ilotts, o. lf Clifton atreet.

Covera were laid for twenty peraona. l'lnk and white decoration, were lined. l'rcnuptlul affair Included variety ahow-era given by Mra. (ienrgn Aitatlu, of Orelg atreet, nud Mrs. l'rank Mabou, of No.

1 IS Clifton atreet. Mr. and Mrn. Curhonneau will reside at. No.

J.VJ Clifton street. RUCH-SCHWEIKAET. Mlsa Helen Schwelkart, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Schwelkart, of No.

1S8 Ileutou afreet, married to Chnrlea Ituch, of No. Dc-Wttt atreet, on Wednemhiy evening at the home 'if the othYlntlug clergyman, Ilcv. C. M. Coiirud, pustor of Concordia Lutheran Church.

The Bride waa attended b) her alater, Mlaa liollle and the best man waa Iloliert Hkuae. Supper wna er-ed at the home of tho bride's parents, and covers wero laid for fifty. Among the out-of-town guest were Mr. and Mra. Wcgner and their daughter Edna, and Mlns Holmes, of Kali-port, and Mr.

and Mra. Keeley and their aon Leo, of Bnf falo Mr. and Mra. Ituch, after a short Western trip, will be at home on December 10th at No. 3fcS lleuton street.

RAHN-MtfENCHAU. The tnnrrlngn of Mlsa Mary Muenchiiu, daughter of Mr. and Mra. MUenchait, of No. Maria atreet, to Alois a.

Ituhn, of No. 55 Thomas street, took place on Wednesday evening. Hev. T. Hiihland, pastor of Kt.

Evangelical I.ti-thernn Church, olllclnted. The attendant were Mlsa Anna Muenchau, sister of the bride, nnd Henry 0. A. Oustke, brother-in-law of the groom, a weilillug was aened at the home of the bride's parents. l'rcnuptlal affair Included an aluminum bower given by relatives of the bride, and variety showers given by the gruotn'a parent and friends of the bride.

Nesbltt-Baldwin. The murrtage uf Mlsa Lydla C. rinldnin to Kred J. Nesliltt took place lut evening at o'clock nt the hum. of tho ollklut-lug clergyman, Uor.

X. Ilutchlnson, No. CI Chill avenue. Miss Alum nipt Clayton Cook were the attendant. After dinner at a downtown hotel, Mr.

and Mrs. Nesbltt left for an eastern Ou their return they will llvo In Hochester. Krovltz-Kiener. Miss Ida Sophia Klcuer, of No. Vienna atn'et, and Joseph Slyer rTroviti, of No.

1) Vlemu atreet. were married on Thursday evening at Kaplan's Ilnll, 111 Chatham atreet. Itabbl Isaac Caplaln ofllclnted. Many out-of-town guests attended. Cov-era were laid for more than two hundred persons.

After a trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kro-vlta will live at No. I'J Vienna street. Elllcott-Thornberg.

MKs Mildred O. Thornberg, of No. et5 Ilrook. avenue, and W. Coleman Klllcitt, of Hartford.

Conn, were married on Wednesiliiy evening at the Hcwey Avenue Keforined Cliurrt by Kev. Walter It. Clark. The attendants wore Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Clark. Mr. and Mra.

Klllcott will live In Hartford, Conn. FOR SELLING LIQUOR SUNDAY Two Sea Breeze Men Fiend Oullty, i e.l. a. low aii oio iu u-iear-uiu uiri tnargea. I'leua of guilty were entered In County Court yesterday before Judge Stephens by Albert J.

V.n II never and Joseph Unirnex, charged with oiling liquor on Sunday at tlnlr hotel, Sea Rrreie. They will be sentence,) on WHuewlay. I'avhi lirltlln, a waller at Charles Cun-nlnshom'a saloon In Clinton avenue north. Is on trial tn County (Vnirt before Jmlge Stephens on a charge of selling Seating Hquora to a girl 1.1 years old. Cake 'of Ice Falls on His Head.

When Walter Howard, old, of No. prospect street, employed by the Silver Lake b-e Company, was helping deliver Ice at the J. W. Kills market, No. K.

Main troct west, yesterday, a large cake of Ice whlc-h wai being hoisted aont nine feet to tho door of the ice bm broke In two, on. chunk striking Howard on the head. He w.ia removed to St. Mary's Hospital, where he was found to have concussion of the brtiln. He will recover.

He la nnrtcr the rare of lr. W. II. Kutherland, of No. 61 South ritr.hugli otreet.

Firemen Squelch Oraaa Fire. Hose 8 went to No. Kl Xataaa street ves-tcrrtay aflenioon, where sparks bad act (re to the grata on the banks of the New York Central Railroad property. The tiro oon wi put out. XMAS FURS SILVER FOX SETS Selected SSIna S75 to $133 fig CLINTON AVE.

S. (50 V' Nut to VIcUiflaTbMtiir W' Ivit, 1000 llulii '1' hones. flpeclal Announcement From 12 to 2 (during Hi. business men a 4'ic lunch ses sion) and from 0 to (during tho 50c per plate table lintii dinner fur the large ram lly lone bachelor! tlicru will bo music. Uood in ii of cuurse.

I lib flreakfiiaU, US' to 4e llu.ln... Mrn'a I nmli, Cuci Table il hole Ulnner, 50c. A lu cart. sen lea Hi all hours. Hpectat attention tu dinner ps-rllea and banquets.

Hotel Itlehford Hestaurunt Fred A. Frost, Prop. A step off Muln 8t. but a ateu In the right direction 1 .1 in ami hestnut. will give you ttrength for your holiday shopping ASK CV OROCIR J.

a DAVIS Mlltri STANDARD HARD COAL Egg $7.50 oiove Nut 7.90 Pea (j.23 Per Ton delivered. JENKINS MACY CO. IIOTII 'IMIONKS No. St 100 4'utler 4 Avenue. VAKIISi IOI3 Main St.

K.t SKI V.ln Nt. Weal IAS I'nrdmnd Ave. I ID Child St. Opfra (ilfMkfs KtMulIng MflfJ (illMMM T.orsoftU ami iublna Nun lUitU Harunieleri Thermometer FuuuttUn In IVrrulutnr t'omiiiMNefl A Few Christmas Hints OPTICIAN 9 OPTOMtTRItTft F.H.Gerhard Co. 69 Marx Sr.

RocHerrui Y. L. inwp muni ill iii ill iiinwM i tmmn im Hell Main 603 Satisfactory Dentistry Our dentlata ara ready to aid yon to tooth ruuifnrt. If jou hail been i.h rlKewhere, huvlnif gotten III lilting teeth, or poor dentistry of any character, enuie here, mid be ure of a llnal and laming aatlfnrtlon. Fxtrartlon Villi Vltallrd Air Prrr When platea or brldgework are ordered.

Hour. A. M. to V. M.

Dr. I'l l.l.KN, 8uereior to TAFT DENTAL ROOMS 187 Main St. E. Cor. MiMin Ht.

Over Alllanr. n.nli Modern Bungalow Price $3,700 Intruding tmprovmttnt 4 "PeK ft. I 'J n. i- fit i No. T.ll Reward aireet, between Jeffer-on and (leiieaee atn-et.

Take either oar line, TERMS; Small Payment Down and Balance Will be Arranged to Satisfaction of Furihaier. Huntnlnw ha. larg. living room, rila Ini room, klirhen and p.ntrv with Inlaid linulroint reeepllnn hail with rlnlheN rliiitH three ideeplng hn mem and bwtliriHtmi electric Halite, latuittrT, furnnce. IH'IV MIIKIHV AtTHlMXlV t'HOM (INK to K.

At (llher Time, by Al'inilnliarlit, Mln llsn. Nion. 1I9. yi in le Finn Every Agent In Kochester to Be Canvassed Company Buys 43,000 as Act ef Self Defenee Against Common Enemy, Writes Official The Hed Cross Seal Committee has made a flying start with a sale of HOO.isin seals iu the ruce for the goal of which officially opened on Thanksgiving bay with the wmling out of the Iirt installment of Ited Cross letter seuls. Commissioner Hamilton, who is general chairman of the committee this year, made this announcement at the first regular meeting of the committee at the Towers Hotel yesterday noon.

This means that already la assured toward the annual fund for the support of the anti-tuberculosis work in Itochester. Of this sum, has 'been pledged by business men to the solicitor, who has been canvassing for the cause during Jhe lust three weeks. The solicitor erpects tu obtain a totul of from this source alone, before the campaign is over. The rest of this sum so far obtained is nuads up of sums received from the letters that arc already beginning to stream hank tn headquarters at No. 9fi Troup street, and from miscellaneous contributions.

To Canvass Insurance Men, One of the chief pieces of business taken up at the meeting yesterday was the organizing of the work among the insurance men in this city. The chairman of the Insurance Men's Committee is Thomas Wood, of the 'Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, who plans to canvass every agent of an insurance comimny of any sort in Itochester. Mr. WVkI statea that he considers the appropriation of money by Insurance men Jor the tight of tuberculosis to be merely a good buslnc-a propoolllon. lie pointed out that a company lu Cincinnati bad purchased seals so far this year.

A letter sent by thi general scent of this company to the Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, In explaining the reason for rlaelng this large order fays: Letter from General Agent. "Wo believe It good business to asslt the work en the following grounds: The presence of tuberculosis means a great financial loss to the community. The greptest ravages of the disease ars foumt milling the poor. The affliction of the bread winner of the faintly with the disease means lowered efficiency at.d less earning capacity, which tu turn means a lessened power to provide the proper nourishment and environment to combat Its growth successfully. The Incapacity of the bread winner often throw hi family upon the public charge.

"It would seem to ns more loelcl to spend the money to get rid of the THsease than to reflect the crt of supporting Its vltclins In an Increased tax rate." FUNERAL OF ANSEL WRIGHT Board of Supervisors Attends In Body Masons Conduct Services, Tlie funeral of Ansel E. "Wright, president of tho Monroe County Tioncers" Association and a former chnirman of the Hoard of Supervisors, was held yesterday afternoon in Webster, l'uneral services were held at the Webster Tnp-tist Church. Tho body lay in state for an hour More the service and many tiled past the casket for a last look nt a man who was respected and honored by all who knew him. Members of the Monroe County T'unnl of Supervisors, city and county officials, members of the Masonic fn. lentil and residents of the town of Web'ter gathered ut the church to pay tho last tribute to Wright.

The service was in chart'o of Wele ster Lodge, T. nnd A. M. Arthur Warren, of ttil city, in sr. grand high priest of the (irnnd Cltnrrter, Itoynl Arch Masons, official" .1.

nss'sted by the follow in? officers of the Webster lodge: J. It. Toster. nnyter: Charles If. Madden, senior wnrdeii: Abbott O'l It'll, junior warden: Oeorge It.

Mason, treasurer: II. C. Thompson, secretary; Howard Nobles, senior deacon: T. Mftn. junior deacon; L.

J. Hinei'bbist. master of ceremonies, and Charles Shaver, junior muster of ceremonies. Interment was in Webster I'uion cemetery. The active hearers were A.

T. Maine, John Hcll, Henrr A. Howmcn. J. W.

Clifford. A M- Wntsim nnd Walter V. I.aner. The Hoard of Sitperv'sors including Clerk Hymn X. Chr.mberlain and Chairman I'aniel ILyrington attended the funeral in a body.

On motion of Supervisor Henry, of Webster, the Hoard of Suven isr yesterday adopted resolutions oh Mr. Wright's death. COUNTY FAIR AT Y. W. C.

A. Cluga Club Will Hold It Next Thursday The Chiga of the Y. W. C. plans to bold a county 'fair on Thursday evening at o'clock.

In the new building, Franklin street. ral funds for' Its social work, borne and foreign. 'Hie-e will be a living skeleton, races In siile-sbon a fish pond, living pictures, a fat woman, etc. I'lav ulo will he presented. The stage of the assembly hall will he fitted up like an out door theater In the Country- After fl o'clock there will be dinc-Ing until II.

There will he exhibit of home cooking, for wM-'h foml and candles are being donated. Articles, not expensive for Christinas gifts, will be on sale and a well know tr florist wll have nn exhibit. An admission of 13 cent will be aakid. Motorcyclist Tlurt In Collision. Mervln S.

linker, of No. Mi Wlukm road north, reported to the police of the nli erslty avenue slat tun lust ulsht that early In the evening liiutl Illll. of No. First street, was driving bis unlomoldlu south lu Vinton road, and as he waa about to turn the car around it collided with a motorcycle, operated by William of Irondeipiolt. (latter was cut over oie eye and leg was bruised, lloth mnijjrocla and automobile were damaged.

i Child's Heal Opossum Fur Set At J.XIK, worth $'l; fur cvdlars, cuffs end trimmings, Nusbaum's, Ci!) North Clinton. Adv. HENRY LIKLY la i i IflWII uWn WMSj Make the Whole Family Happy ON CHRISTMAS VICTR0LAS, Sold on the Easy-Payment Plan If Desired CO. (Sb STONE Street East the seat of the trouble acting as an antidote to neutrality the blood poison. It revitalizes tho red blood corpuscles, Inereaeea the flow so that the blood can properly perform Its phvsl-cal work.

The dull alugRlih feeling leaves you the complexion clears up. Even long standing eases respond promptly, nut you must take S. h. S. I ruga and substitutes won't do.

tiot M. N. N. from your If yours Is a special case and you need expert advice, wrlto to Swift HpetlfUi Atlanta, Ua. GIBBONS 172 Main Pimples and Skin Eruptions Source of Great Danger They May Mean Eczema, Scrofula The First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease.

Pimples, scaly itching skin, rashes, burning sensation nud Hcrofula de-role with unfailing certainty a debilitated, weakened and Impure. Htatn of the blood. Th troifula may have been In your blood from birth, but no matter bow you were Infected, you must treat It through the blood. It Is a blond disease. You must us M.

S. the standard blond tonic, for 00 year, If you expect relief. For purifying the system, nothing I equal to It. The action of 8, 8, la to clean so tho blood. It aoaki through the ayitam direct to Cuian aye a i.

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